Monday, December 15, 2008
Quid pro bowe
I had the pleasure of photographing the Bowe family, of Bear, for their annual Christmas portrait, plus they fed me! Taking photos and home cooking - it doesn't get any better that.
Nikkie, Bill and the two boys opened their lovely home to Jan and I last week for a portrait session followed by a great lasagna dinner. Zora, the family dog, didn't make the final cut of pictures, but she was invited.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Night Lights ...
The decorations are going up, the light bills will soon follow. 'Tis the season for excessive spending, hurried lifestyles, festive parties and short tempers.
I'm not always this cynical, I'm just trying to get my grumpiness out of me early this year ....
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Answer My Friend ...
... is blowing in the wind, or to be more exact, in a wind farm. Caught my first glimpse of wind turbines, near Altoona PA, over the holiday weekend. These things are huge! I understand each propeller to be some 60-feet in length. Admittedly, I don't know much about wind turbines and farms, but I found them to pleasing to the eye and they certainly have to be a welcome jolt of power to our nation's energy consumption.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Cold Saturday Mornings ...
were meant for kids and bowling alleys. Out-of-town this week for Thanksgiving and had a chance to go watch our niece (top photo) bowl. I could sure use those bumpers next time you catch me on a lane.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
It's Funny How Perception Works ...
1/250 sec at f/5.0 ISO 100
See that? Gas is down to $1.85 this morning! I called the wife to let her know, I sent text messages to my friends, I was exchanging high-fives with the family dog as she sat in the passenger seat ... what a glorious day in gas consumption land.
Flash back ... 2 years ago.
Gas just went up again, it's now $1.85 a gallon! Good gravy, people! At this rate, it's going to hit $4.00 a gallon in no time!
Isn't it weird how the same price point can elicit two very different points of view? Things that make you go hmmmmm.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Awesome Autumn
What a beautiful day for a walk in the woods. Had the opportunity to tour Mt. Cuba this morning with my good friend, Larry Williams. This was a walking stroll of the Mt. Cuba hillside with their staff photographer, Chris Starr, and a group of about 10 other photographers. The sun was bright, the air was warm and the scenery was gorgeous ... it was a splendid autumn day.
Want to see the rest of the images? Click here.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Candid Moments
Never pass up a chance to take candid shots. More times than not, you'll find a sparkling gem among them, as I did here.
Special thanks to Melanie Thompson for allowing me to post this image of her at a recent Governor's banquet reception.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A Walk in the Park
Stopped by Lums Pond this afternoon. The sun was shining bright and the wind was brisk. What leaves weren't on the ground already were coming down across the road like a late January snowfall.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Beep! Beep!
1/2000 sec at f/4.0 ISO 100
How can you not love this guy? Every time I see him somewhere I make the "beep beep" noise out loud and embarass myself.
Monday, October 6, 2008
van Gogh! Gogh! Gogh!
A little while ago, I had the opportunity to create a headshot for a very talented artist, Susan Hanselman. Susan, of Kentucky, is in Delaware regularly and working on an extensive series of religous wall murals. Her talents are well displayed on the canvas of life.
If you'd like to get in touch with Susan, drop me an email . Her biography follows:
Notes on the Artist:
Susan Hanselman discovered her love of painting somewhat later in life, after following her husband’s career to many places and raising her two children. Growing up in suburban New York, she was the third daughter of five girls. The family spent numerous summers in New England at the shore, where they were reacquainted with friends year after year. It is from all of these fond memories that she draws much of the inspiration for her paintings, drawings murals and portraits.
She is the proud parent of James, who currently serves in the U S Air Force and of her daughter Beth and son-in-law, Michael, who recently welcomed their firstborn, Nicholas. He will likely provide material for her future endeavors. She currently resides in Richmond, Kentucky with her husband, Fred.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Mopar Muscle
I really hate to see summer go. Although I enjoy autumn with its colorful leaves, nice breezes, sunny days and cool nights, there is something I'll miss about the 92 percent humidity, my every other week sunburned bald head, beach traffic ... okay, I just talked myself out of it. Goodbye summer, hello fall!
Had an enjoyable afternoon at one of my summer rituals, a car show. This one was held at the ChesDel Restaurant on Route 13 at Port Penn Road in Saint Georges, DE. They had a really good turn out with cars and people. Saw good friend Will Norris and his family there, proudly displaying their vehicles.
Want to see the rest of the images? Click here.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Fallin' for the Poconos
3/4 sec at f/22.0 ISO 100
When you reach the trails end, there's a t-shirt for sale at the souvenir shop that reads, "I survived the red trail at Bushkill Falls!" Let me assure you that is no exaggeration and I didn't even come near to walking the whole trail. But, right now, it is worth every ache and pain I am going to experience for the next 24 hours.
Our group of nine arrived as the park opened and although you could see your breath in the morning air, the sun soon broke through and cast a wonderful glow on the awe-inspiring waterfalls. The trails were steep at times, narrow at times and seemed never-ending at times, but every step brought a sigh of wonderment at the beauty before us.
Want to see the rest of the images? Click here.
THIS JUST IN - a video of the group's collaborative effort:
Stonehenge American-style
A tranquil and serene setting at Columcille Megalith Park in Bangor, PA.
Want to see the rest of the images? Click here.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Orange You Glad I Didn't Say Pumpkin Again?
Can you believe summer is drawing to a close and that autumn is less than a pumpkin patch away? I love this time of the year when the humidity drops and the nights cool off. Looking forward to a colorful fall.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
and we'll have Fun, Fun, Fun
1/640 at f/3.8 ISO 100
A pedal-to-the-metal salute to the Cruizers for Christ Car Club on putting on an excellent car show this afternoon at Red Lion Charter School in Bear.Want to see the rest of the images? Click here.
Shaela Shines!
Best wishes to new model Shaela of Delaware. Shaela was a pleasure to shoot with and has a gorgeous smile. I look forward to working with her again, soon.
If you would like to get in touch with Shaela, please drop me a line and I will forward the inquiry to her parents.
The Bigger They Are ...
... the harder they fall. This was the scene in our driveway last night after a hard rain from the remnants of Hurricane Hanna passed through Delaware. This was an enormous, beautiful old tree alongside our driveway and it came peacefully down without hitting any telephone lines, our home or car. God is good!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Bike Night at Hooter's
I arrived at Hooter's New Castle about 5:30 tonight and there were maybe 10 bikes scattered about the roped-off parking lot. I went inside, had a drink (hiccup, a Pepsi), came back out and there had to be 100 or more bikes and they kept pouring in like water at a New Orleans levee. They were everywhere, every shape, color and make. It was a beautiful sight! ... And, oh yeah, there were some biker girls there, too.
Want to see the rest of the images? Click here.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Came across an ugly car accident on our way home last night from Pennsylvania. This happened just minutes before we got there; a car traveling eastbound on Interstate 70 (near Warfordsburg PA, just a few miles before the MD border), apparently lost control, veered into the meridian, and launched itself over the embankment of an underpass coming to rest on the uphill side of the far bank. The situation was being attended to by more qualified people than myself, so I snapped a few pictures, said my prayers and got back in the car to continue home (with my seat belt on).
Mystery Tour
Each and every Labor Day my sister-in-law, Sue (not the fudge one), organizes a "mystery tour" for family members that refuse to leave from the day before's chicken bar-b-que. Sue has always been able to find a unique place for the camera buffs in the family.
This year, she took us on Rails to Trails. These are abandoned sections of railroad tracks which are ripped up, replaced with a walking surface and then opened to the public to walk, jog, ride bikes or even horses on. Because of the way they were engineered for the trains, they always have a level grade or the incline is so slight you don't realize it. These trails are happening nationwide; one actually goes from south of Pittsburgh PA to Washington DC!
Our walk was on the Lower Trail, a 16.5-mile trek along side the Juniata River. I didn't walk the whole thing (shocking, I know), but with the encouraging words of my brother-in-laws they did draw me out from under the shaded pavilion at the parking lot and I, at least, stood on the trail.
Want to see the rest of the images from the day? Click here.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Days Gone By
As we ventured through Bedford County, Pennsylvania, today we came across this 119-year old covered bridge still open to vehicle traffic. A sign posted over the header says there is a fine for going faster than a walker's pace.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Look to the West ...
Another beautiful sunset last night. I wasn't crazy about the intruding telephone lines, but I didn't want to pass up the shot.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
MIddletown Car Show
Want to see the rest of the images? Click here.
A Great Way to Start Any Day
So, if you're in the Newark, DE area and need a massage therapist, Shirl is the one to call. Check out her website for the phone number and as her slogan says, you'll discover why "A massage is a way to guarantee a great day."
P.S. She's doing beach massages this week in Ocean City, MD. The sand, the sun, the surf and a massage. How cool is that??
f/3.8 1/125 68mm ISO 160
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Tale Wagon
Spent an enjoyable day with six friends on the boardwalk today at Wildwood Beach, NJ. The sun was hot, but the not-overly-crowded beach town welcomed us with our cameras in hand. There was a little something for everybody's taste; from the doo wop architecture, to people-watching, to the delight in a child's eyes of building his first-ever sand castle.
Want to see the rest of the images? Click here.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Photo Contest
"Share the Experience"
Official Federal Recreation Lands Photo Contest thru 12/31/08
Official Federal Recreation Lands Photo Contest thru 12/31/08
America’s Federal Recreation Lands are special places that bring people together and leave visitors enriched. From scenic vistas to diverse wildlife to historic landmarks, these lands offer a myriad of picture perfect moments to capture.
Whether you’re an amateur shutter bug, a history buff, a wildlife lover or an outdoor enthusiast, share up to three photos from your experience capturing the scenic, natural, and historical wonders in America's Federal Recreation Lands! Your photo could adorn the next Federal Recreation Lands Pass! Plus, other great prizes include an Olympus E-3 DSLR Camera Kit, trips to Federal Recreation Lands and more!
Register and read all the details here.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Get Your Motor Runnin' ...
... head out on the highway or just pull-in to the Fox Run Shopping Center, like I did, for the tail(fin)-end of today's car show.
Want to see the rest of the images? Click here.
Want to see the rest of the images? Click here.
Just Peachy!
It was a beautiful day for Middletown's 15th Annual Olde Tyme Peach Festival.
Want to see the rest of the images from today? Click here.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Meet Camron ...
Camron is a very special 3-year old I had the pleasure to photograph, with his foster family, as a volunteer photographer for the Littlest Heroes Project. Camron, who is deaf and blind, suffers from shaken baby syndrome (SBS), but his simple presence conveys a warmth most of us will never achieve. Camron and his foster family reside in the Dover area.
If you would like to learn more about the world-wide impact of the Littlest Heroes Project, started by an inspirational teen, click here.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
PM on the C&D
What a great way to spend an evening in Chesapeake City! On our way there we went through a severe rainstorm, but upon our arrival, a few minutes later, we had a rainbow. To the west, the sky was dark and we feared the setting sun would be lost behind the solitary gray cloud. So, we had some ice cream and enjoyed a free boat ride across the canal, at which time the sky opened up and we were treated to a magnificent burst of color under the bridge. And finally, darkening skies in the southern quadrant put on a lightning show, but I was unable to capture it on "film."
Want to see the rest of the images? Click here.
Friday, August 1, 2008
You Are Now Clear for Takeoff
To the left, to the left ... everything I own in a swamp to the left.
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