Congratulations! to newlyweds Jessica and Leonard, of Delaware City, DE. It was a pleasure to share this special day with you.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Vrrrrrrooooom! Vrrrrrrooooom!
Nascar returns to Dover International Speedway this weekend for the first of its two (2) annual races. It's only 20 minutes away from me, so I took an early evening trip down tonight to check things out. Let me tell you, Delaware's capital city literally explodes with thousands of RV's, dressed to thrill, on every piece of real estate imaginable. I couldn't find a place to park (well, I could, I just didn't want to pay $20 bucks, or more), so I drove around the stadium checking out the people checking out the vendor's tents. These people take this racing thing seriously. It was a pretty cool sight, actually. Never thought I'd say this, but I might just have to venture inside those monster gates one of these days.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Congratulations ...
to the oil companies. We all heard they'd push gas up to $4.00/gal. by Memorial Day and, true to their word, they did. Somebody finally delivers on what they promise and it's the guys reporting record-high, quarterly profits.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
On this Memorial Day ...

To my brother, Don; my cousin, John and my nephew, Jeremy, thank you for your unselfish service, so that I, and many like me, may continue to enjoy the freedom and privileges of this great country. To my father, Carlton; my uncles, Don and Neil; my grandfathers, John and Henry; and the countless, unnamed heroes that have gone on ahead of me, I remember each of you this day and thank God for your life, your love and your values.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Meet Your Next Odonata Idol ...
Mr. I. M. Dragonfly steps up to the antenna-shaped microphone to perform his song, "Wind Beneath My Transparent Wings."
Life or Death Whirlybirds
Christiana Care's (Wilmington, DE) aeromedical crew, LifeNet, takes to the air in another life-threatening situation.
"When I Admire ...
the wonder of a sunset, my soul expands in worship of the Creator." - Mahatma Ghandi (taken at Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, Smyrna DE)
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
It's Knot What You Think ...
then again, maybe it is what you think. Another example of the ordinary becoming extraordinary when cropped in close and taken out of its normal context (taken at the docks along the canal in Delaware City).
Hold me ...
From what I remember, the big pink guy was stuffed from all the great food on the midway (from last summer's Delaware State Fair Harrington, DE).
Here's Your Sign
The latest in sign dressings, the comb-over. Gotta admit, it looks better on road signs than people (taken on Kirkwood-St. Georges Road, Bear, DE).
And finally, I'm pretty sure there's a joke in this sign somewhere, but I can't quite figure it out.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Photo Contest
Guideposts Magazine is asking for submissions for its Inspiring Photo Contest. Simple rules: "if your photo lifts your spirit, (they) want to see it." Attach your stirring photo to an email with your name and email and send it off to by June 30, 2008.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
May is National Photo Month

Do not let anything stand in your way!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Ask away ...
Q: Hi Larry, welcome to Askablogr (and love the DC photo looking up at the flags)! Do you shoot for fun or is it your profession (not that those are mutually exclusive...)?
Asked by Chris DeVore
A: More for fun, but always grateful when a paying job comes along.
Ask Larry a question.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Beep! Beep!
Cars have always intrigued and fascinated me and when I spotted my first car show of this year, I had no choice but to stop and take some pics. Just something about the shiny paint jobs, the raised hoods, all that horsepower under the hood .... grunt, grunt, grunt! Bring on the summer, baby!
Azalea Euphoria
If you're in the neighborhood of Odessa, Delaware, this time of the year make plans to visit the corner home of Jerry and Helen Unruh. They have turned their yard into an azalea oasis with some 1,600 bushes adorning their property. They are extremely courteous and very open to visitors walking through their magical homestead. Truly a sight to see.
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