I spotted him again yesterday afternoon while waiting for a stop light. This time he was cleverly camouflaged siting on a branch in a small batch of trees alongside Route 896 and Dennie Road, or so he thought! Ah ha! There were cars behind me. Acting nonchalantly and as to not raise his suspicion, I cleverly pretended like I was just a passing motorist and went with the flow of traffic. But without him suspecting anything, and me now in full sleuth mode, circled back around four traffic lights and pulled up alongside him. Doh! He took flight and I momentarily lost sight of him.
I decided to make another full circle. Ah ha! There he was a little further back, but I think I can still get a shot off. Doh! The trees are blocking me ....
I am going to go around again. This time I park the car a few hundred feet past where I spotted him and walk back to my elusive prey. The setting sun is in an awkward spot, so I have to walk past him and then circle back. With cat-like prowess I creep through the brush and come up on his blind side, raise the camera to my eye and ..... you guessed it, he took off!
With head hung low, I dejectedly walk back to the car .... just wait .... there will be a next time, Mr. Hawk!