Thursday, July 15, 2010

Easier said than done ....

"Jack's son, Five"
1/250 sec at f/7.1 ISO 100

My wife and I have been practicing a new skill set where through positive reinforcement we are able to communicate with nature. On our way home tonight we passed by this marshy mallow and I said, "Jan, stop the car," even though she was in the passenger seat. I then climbed out of the car through the driver's side window and waded out into the marsh, just passed my eyes, where through positive meditation and manifesting I was able to convince these five white egrets to drop what they were doing and each take position on stumps of varying height in the clear, murky waters. Then, through intense subminimal messaging, I was able to get them all to focus their attention, not on the camera, but to look in the distance at an imaginary target while Jan was skillfully able to capture the entire moment in this beautiful image you see before you.

The morale of this story? Let life hand you no egrets. Stay thirsty, my friends.

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