Sunday, March 14, 2010

Have You Heard?

Have you heard about a social networking website called "Meetup?"  They have groups on almost every topic imaginable in many cities around the globe.  And if they don't have one on a certain topic, they'll ask you if you'd like to start one (you tell them your interests and they'll match you up with like-minded people).

Anyway, one of the local groups is called the "Fairhill MD Nature Photography" Meetup group and they hold regular meetings and photography outings.  They have a nominal $5 annual fee.  One of their meetings coming up is with Horizon Workshop's Steve Gottlieb on the use of flash.  His workshops are normally a few hundred dollars, but he is doing this one for a mere $75. 

Take the time and check out the whole Meetup-concept and see what interests peak your fancy!

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