Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Whatchamacallit in Flight

"Look up in the Sky, it's a ????"
1/500 sec at f/7.1 ISO 200

We were on our way home from Chestertown, MD this afternoon and saw this nest atop a telephone pole.  Even after looking at it close up, I do not know what it is.  A cousin of the eagle? a nephew to the falcon? perhaps, an in-law of the hawk?  What do you think?

TIP:  When shooting moving objects, such as birds or Nascar, and you want to stop the action, go to your "action" or "running man" mode on point-and-shoots and to aperture priority mode on DSLRs (choosing 1/500 a second or faster, ie 1/640, 1/800).  Conversely, to show movement in the wings or pit crew, choose a slower shutter speed (ie, 1/125 or 1/60).

UPDATE:  One of my devoted readers has identified the bird as an OSPREY.  The Osprey (Pandion haliaetus), sometimes known as the sea hawk, is a diurnalfish-eating bird of prey. It is a large raptor , reaching 24 inches in length with a six foot wingspan. Thank you, Jan!

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